
 01  A Worldwide Commitment to Advance Cities for All

The Global Compact on Inclusive and Accessible Cities is a declaration that aligns key commitments to accessibility, universal design and inclusion within The Sustainable Development Goals, The New Urban Agenda, The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the WHO’s Age Friendly Cities Framework. It affirms the rights of 1 billion persons with disabilities and the increasing share of the global population aged 60 or older that experience barriers to their equitable participation in society. Half of all persons with disabilities and older persons around the world now live in towns and cities, and these groups are estimated to number over 2 billion persons in cities worldwide by 2050. This global call for action lies at the core of the #Cities4All campaign.

 02  Challenges: Why Sign the Global Compact?

The Global Compact helps cities understand the challenges facing persons with various types of disabilities, older persons, and other key stakeholders. These stakeholders include young people, women, migrants, and indigenous communities, who must all be included in the development and implementation of urban development policies and strategies. However, numerous challenges limit this engagement:

  • Rampant discrimination against persons with disabilities and older persons particularly in physical and digital infrastructure of cities.
  • Lack of awareness of global standards on accessibility and universal design principles.
  • The role of local governments in monitoring, reporting, and enforcement mechanisms that can ensure accessibility in the built and digital environment.

 03  The Cities for All Campaign: Making Cities Inclusive and Accessible

The Global Compact on Inclusive and Accessible Cities is a declaration that aligns key commitments to accessibility, universal design and inclusion within The Sustainable Development Goals, The New Urban Agenda, The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the WHO’s Age Friendly Cities Framework. It affirms the rights of 1 billion persons with disabilities and the increasing share of the global population aged 60 or older that experience barriers to their equitable participation in society. Half of all persons with disabilities and older persons around the world now live in towns and cities, and these groups are estimated to number over 2 billion persons in cities worldwide by 2050. This global call for action lies at the core of the #Cities4All campaign.

 04  The Cities For All Community of Practice Commitments

The C4A Community of Practice will serve as a platform for signatory members to put into practice their commitments. The Community of Practice is managed by UCLG and supported by the DIAUD / Cities for All civil society network. The Community will work to:

  • Enhance thought leadership of mayors
  • Enhance best practice exchange between cities, governments, organizations, institutions, and practitioners
  • Provide technical assistance to cities and national governments
  • Provide ground-breaking and innovative research
  • Develop joint advocacy strategies at the global level
  • Disseminate the declaration among signatory cities’ partners and allies

 05  Join the Global Movement for Universal Access

Diverse and dynamic cities like New York, Berlin, Barcelona, Durban, Chicago, Rio de Janeiro, Puebla, Montreal, Montevideo, Quito, Paris, Singapore, Dubai, and Seoul have expressed interest in joining the campaign – and we need you too!

Local and Regional Governments

Step 1: Please SIGN HERE OR send an email to to express your city’s interest in joining the Global Compact and the #Cities4All Campaign.

Step 2: You will then be invited to officially register, agree to the list of principles, and learn more about how you can benefit from participating in the Cities for All Community of Practice.

Step 3: Your organization will gain visibility and be part of the global movement to advance Cities for All – and your organization will appear on the website as a founding signatory.


Step 1: Please SIGN HERE OR send an email to to express your city’s interest in joining the Global Compact and the #Cities4All Campaign.

Step 2: You will then be invited to officially register, agree to the list of principles, and learn more about how you can benefit from participating in the Cities for All Community of Practice.

Step 3: You will be part of the global movement to advance Cities for All – and will be listed as an ally on the website.