The Global Compact on Inclusive & Accessible Cities
We, the Signatories commit to following Principles:
01 Non-discrimination
Give particular attention to Leave No One Behind and actively address and condemn all forms of discrimination and barriers faced by persons in vulnerable situations, particularly persons with disabilities and older persons, by progressively implementing principles of Accessibility, Universal Design and the World Health Organization’s Age Friendly Cities initiative transversally through all urban development strategies.
02 Accessibility
Enable all persons to live independently and take appropriate measures in cities and human settlements that facilitate access, elimination of barriers and full participation of persons with disabilities and older persons, on an equal basis with others, to all aspects of the physical and digital environment in cities which includes Buildings, roads, transportation and other indoor and outdoor facilities, including schools, housing, medical facilities and workplaces; and Information, communications and other services, including electronic services and emergency services.
03 Participation
Promote the full and effective participation of all persons, particularly persons with disabilities and older persons, in cities and urban planning strategies that engage stakeholders at all stages of development including local authorities, community members, planners and developers; and to the elimination of institutional, legal, physical, and digital barriers.
04 Inclusive Urban Policies & Programs
Actively and progressively Promote, Adopt and Comply with international, regional and national accessibility regulations and legal requirements- including the ISO 21542:2011 Building construction – Accessibility and usability of the built environment, International Organization on Standardization’s 71:2014 Guide on Accessibility , Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, the ETSI EN 301549, and Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act – through strengthening of strong inclusive management frameworks and accountable institutions in urban governance, focused on community based planning.
05 Capacity Building
Promote, Develop and Deploy capacity development initiatives that empower, recognize, respect and strengthen skills and abilities of all persons and civil society organizations-without discrimination of any kind- particularly of organizations of persons with disabilities and older persons, in shaping inclusive governance processes, engaging in dialogue, and actively promoting equity and protecting human rights in urban and territorial development decision-making.
06 Data for Development
Actively support the role and enhanced capacity of national, subnational, and local governments and relevant stakeholders, in developing, generating and disseminating reliable and timely disaggregated data by sex, age, disability, income, migration status, geographic location, and other characteristics relevant in national context through basic land inventory information, valuation and risk maps, and the Washington Group Short Set of Questions; to systemically understand and address barriers to inclusion and accessibility in cities faced by all persons, particularly persons with disabilities and older persons.